
Se fullt program for Oslo Freedom Forum 2012 her!

Idag er det èn uke til Oslo Freedom Forum 2012 åpner. Tittelen på årets konferanse er «Out of darkness into light«, og du kan finne hele programmet til konferansen hos Liberaleren.

Slik ser programmet ut for tirsdag 08.mai:

09:30: Introduksjon v/Thor Halvorssen

Artist: John Fortè

1.sesjon: In a Different Light (10:00)

A seemingly disparate group of individuals—a photographer, a reporter,
a lawyer, an ex-convict, and an artist—each share their unique work
opening a window on human rights and humanitarian crises

Tomas van Houtryve – Behind Communism’s Curtain
Jeta Xharra – On Air and Under Attack in Kosovo
Irwin Cotler – Freedom’s Counsel
Humberto Prado – Condemned to Venezuela’s Prisons
Naomi Natale – The Art of Activism¨

11:00: Kaffepause

2.sesjon: Slavery in the Shadows (11:30)

A spotlight on global slavery and human trafficking, featuring testimony from former
slaves and the world’s leading activists

Introduksjon: Ben Skinner

Somaly Mam – A Survivor’s Journey
Jean-Robert Cadet – Haiti’s Human Property
Urmila Chaudhary – Freeing the Daughters of Nepal
Kimmie Weeks – Forced to Fight
Julia Ormond – Supply Chain Slavery

3.sesjon: Arab Uprisings: One Year Later (paneldisjusjon) (14:30)

A discussion with activists, bloggers, and journalists from across the
Arab world who spoke at the 2011 Oslo Freedom Forum. Panelists will
offer analyses of the events of the past year as well as predictions about
the future of the region.

Moderator: Philippa Thomas

Ahmed Benchemsi – Marokko
Lina Ben Mhenni – Tunisia
Ghazi Gheblawi – Libya
Maryam al-Khawaja – Bahrain
Amir Ahmad Nasr – Sudan

Kaffepause (15:30)

4.sesjon: Spotlight on Repression (16:00)

A glimpse into some of the world’s least known and most repressive regimes

Introduction: Justine Hardy

Tutu Alicante – In the Kingdom of Obiang
Manal al-Sharif – The Drive for Freedom
Benny Wenda – Indonesia’s Hidden Colony
Jestina Mukoko – In Mugabe’s Crosshairs
Alexey Tikhonov – Kazakhstan’s Great Façade
Chee Soon Juan – The Secret of Singapore

Slik ser programmet ut onsdag 09.mai:

5.sesjon: Voices in the Darkness (9:30)

A look at various forms of state control, censorship and other threats to
democracy around the world.

Introduction: Mona Eltahawy

Nick Cohen – An Unprecedented Age of Censorship
Andrew Feinstein – Inside the Global Arms Trade
Rebecca MacKinnon – Consent of the Networked
Nicolás Pérez – The $42 Million Dollar Op-Ed
Ahmed al-Omran – Royal Rules in Saudi Arabia
Asma Jahangir – Building a Free Pakistan

Kaffepause (11:00)

6.sesjon: The Russian Winter (paneldiskusjon) (11:30)

A panel discussion about the recent Russian elections, accompanying protests,
and the future of democracy in the region

Denis Bilunov
Yevgenia Chirikova
Garry Kasparov
Natalia Pelevine
Pyotr Verzilov
llya Yashin

Lunch (13:00)

7.sesjon: The Light of Innovation (14:30)

Six luminaries will highlight how innovative technology and creative ideas
can be used to promote and protect human rights.

Introduction: David Rowan

J. Scott Carpenter – Google’s Think-Do Tank
Abebe Gellaw – Outmaneuvering State Control
Mauricio Rodas – Rethinking Poverty
Ethan Nadelmann – The Human Cost of the War on Drugs
Ausama Monajed – Syria: No Turning Back
Jimmy Wales – A World Without Censorship

Vaclav Havel Prize for Creative Dissent Ceremony (16:00)

Kommentarer og prispresentasjon: Thor Halvorssen

Artist: Leah Siegel

NB! Vi tar forbehold om at det blir lagt til lenke med info om flere navn efter at artikkelen ble publisert første gang.

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