
Gratulér vinneren via ambassaden

Jeg har idag sendt en epost til Folkerepublikken Chinas ambassade i Norge, og bedt ambassadøren overbringe mine gratulasjoner, og mine ønsker for fremgang i arbeide. Du kan gjøre det samme.

Dette er teksten i epostmeldingen jeg sendte:
Liu Xiabos
«To H.E. Ambassador Tang Guoqiang!

I refer to the announcement today by Mr. Torbjørn Jagland, leader of the Norwegian Nobel Committee that citizen Liu Xiaobo of the People’s republic of China is the 2010-winner of the Nobel peace price.

I was delighted to hear that Liu Xiaobo was awarded this prestigious prize.

I hope that the government of the People’s republic of China wil consider it an honour that one of their citizens received this prize, and that Mr. Liu Xiaobo will be released from prison.

I ask of you Mr. ambassador, to inform Mr. Liu Xiaobo about my congratulations to him for winning the Nobel peace prize, and that you will send him my most sincere wishes for continous progress in his work.


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